MASIWEI “Dark Horse Season” World Tour in Kuala Lumpur 2024

SCHEDULE(Not include private/corporate events)





MASIWEI “Dark Horse Season” World Tour in Kuala Lumpur 2024


[START] 20:30
Star Planet

Chinese hip-hop sensation MaSiWei, a member of the internationally renowned group Higher Brothers, is making a triumphant return to Kuala Lumpur with an upgraded edition of his acclaimed “Dark Horse Season” tour.

MaSiWei, who has garnered widespread praise for his innovative musical style, is known for creating works that transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with fans worldwide. From his early mixtapes to his recent solo hits like Dark Horse and Humble Swag, MaSiWei’s unique sound and boundary-pushing approach have captivated audiences globally.

Building on the massive success of his 2023 Dark Horse Season global tour, which drew rave reviews across Europe, North America, and Asia, MaSiWei promises a refreshed and meticulously crafted performance in Kuala Lumpur, celebrating a decade of his groundbreaking career. Organized by CMC live and managed by Star Planet, this concert isn’t merely a musical event but a powerful journey through MaSiWei’s artistic evolution—from his early days as the “Dark Horse” to his current role as the “Dark Horse Prince,” renowned for his fearless exploration of music and performance art.

Don’t miss this chance to experience an electrifying performance as MaSiWei redefines hip-hop, blending music, passion, and artistry into a truly unforgettable event.

华语说唱代表人物、Higher Brothers成员马思唯,时隔一年,携全新升级的《黑马季节》巡演重磅回归马来西亚吉隆坡。

自出道以来,马思唯的音乐才华备受肯定,其作品深受广大乐迷喜爱。从早期的Mixtape到近期的个人专辑,包括《Dark House》,《Humble Swag》等作品,他始终保持着高水准的创作力,并不断拓展音乐风格。如今,马思唯在社交媒体上拥有庞大粉丝群,其音乐作品的播放量更是屡创新高。马思唯通过一系列作品,向世界展示了真正的“中国制造”顶级Hip-Hop音乐,在华语说唱圈留下了不可磨灭的印记。


由CMC Live主办,Star Planet星艺娱乐担任活动统筹,此次巡演是马思唯音乐生涯的全新里程碑。十年来,他用真诚、热情和执着,创作了一首首打动人心的作品。在《黑马季节》,这些音乐将被赋予全新的生命力,带领观众深入探索他的音乐世界。这场演出不仅是一场音乐盛宴,更是一次心灵的共鸣。通过精心设计的现场编排和震撼的视听效果,马思唯将展现他音乐旅程中的成长与蜕变。从《黑马》到《黑马王子》,他一直坚持自我突破,不断探索音乐的无限可能。现在,他将把这些能量传递给每一位观众,共同见证一个音乐人的成长与辉煌。
